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Imogen de Vries

Developing a Competitive Edge

How to get ahead with psychometrics

According to research from the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), over 1/3 of employees in the UK leave their organisations every year, with many seeking greener pastures from other employers. High turnover can be problematic for organisations due to the high costs of recruitment, onboarding and training. It can also impact a company’s reputation, making it even harder for them to find a replacement.

So, how can organisations encourage their employees to stay?

Psychometric assessments are a potential solution.

The term psychometric is derived from two words. ‘Psycho’ relating to the mind, and ‘metric’ meaning measurement. The British Psychological society defines a psychometric test as, “an assessment procedure designed to provide objective measures of one or more psychological characteristics”.

Psychometric assessments have many applications in the workplace including in recruitment, development, change management, and succession planning, to name just a few.

By implementing psychometric assessments across the organisation, you can:

1.  Increase job satisfaction

Using psychometrics in recruitment provides a more predictive analysis of how the candidate will behave in the job itself. By understanding the candidate’s key preferences and abilities, it ensures that there is a good fit between the individual and the job. This allows the most suitable person to be employed and increases the likelihood that they will be satisfied within the role.

For existing employees, psychometrics can help managers to adapt people’s job roles to suit their skills, needs and interests as much as possible.

2.   Promote effective relationships

Healthy work relationships are a key driver for employee wellbeing and performance. Many psychometrics offer group or team reports that highlight the team’s strengths and development areas. In addition, psychometric assessments can help individuals identify any barriers that may be preventing them forming strong, meaningful relationships with others. It is important to consider how team members work together and identify any potential sources of conflict.

Ultimately, effective relationships at work help the individual by having a strong social support network that is based on trust and compassion, and help the organisation by improving communication, reducing turnover and increasing their potential as a team. 


3.   Develop outstanding leaders

Having an engaging, supportive and driven leader can make all the difference to an employee’s experience at work. Psychometric assessments can help develop transformational leaders that inspire and empower others, by encouraging self-awareness and highlighting development areas that may need more focus.

These assessments can be administered alongside leadership development workshops to help individuals receive practical, targeted feedback and create tangible action points to help them become talented and effective leaders.

Psychometric assessments can be used across the employee lifecycle to help organisations increase employee retention by fostering a positive work culture in which employees are more likely to be satisfied and engaged.

If you would like to find out more about how you can use psychometrics in your organisation, contact us. Alternatively, find out more about our psychometric testing service.


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