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Writer's pictureTim Evans

What's your influencing style?

The 5 influencing styles and how to measure them

Picture this: You’re at work. You have been busy with a big project recently and have a lot of great ideas that you are eager to get the wider team on board with. You are about to attend a meeting with them to present your case and persuade them to get involved. But what’s your influencing style?

The Influence Style Indicator can help you answer this question, as it identifies 5 influencing styles and assesses your style based on a self-report survey about preferred influencing tactics. Not only does it classify your dominant style of influencing, but it also highlights secondary and underutilized styles, as well as how to work effectively with those who have a different preference style to you.

Let’s explore the 5 influencing styles a little further:

1. Rationalizing

With a Rationalizing preference you are likely to push your perspectives, ideas and beliefs using logical and rational reasoning to convince others of your point of view. You will use relevant facts and data to persuade others and use expert views and historical information to support your argument.

2. Asserting

With an Asserting preference you are likely to insist that you are heard and be willing to challenge the ideas of others. You will put forward your ideas even when you know they might be unpopular, and you will challenge suggestions with which you disagree.

3. Negotiating

With a Negotiating preference you are often willing to compromise and negotiate to reach an outcome. You will bargain to reach agreement when something is important to you and are willing to make tradeoffs to reach your ultimate goal.

4. Inspiring

With an Inspiring preference you will almost always pull people towards you and toward your point of view. You advocate your position by encouraging others with a sense of shared purpose and exciting possibilities.

5. Bridging

With a Bridging preference you will almost always influence outcomes by building coalitions and communities of interest based on common, mutual interest. You listen to what others have to say and work to establish a climate of trust.

So, whatever your preference may be, understanding the different styles that you and other people use is vital and will improve your ability to influence in today’s complex working world.

Interested to learn more? Find out about the ISI here: Influence Style Indicator | Psysoft

If you’re interested in the ISI certification and would like to find out more information, get in touch with one of our Consultants today:

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